Using Terraform Modules from AWS S3 Buckets

Zeeshan BaigBlog

Overview Modules are used in Terraform to modularize and encapsulate groups of resources in your infrastructure. Using Modules you can write a generic code and reuse it as you need if you are from database background it is similar to … Read More

Setup Custom Domain for an API in AWS API Gateway

Zeeshan BaigBlog

Overview AWS API Gateway is a service that enables you to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. You can create APIs that access AWS or other web services such as Lambda functions or services running on … Read More

Generate SSL Certificates using AWS Certificate Manager

Zeeshan BaigBlog

Overview We all know creating and managing SSL certificates could be pain and when it comes to cloud computing things could become more complex. AWS provides a solution called AWS Certificate Manager or ACM for short. AWS Certificate Manager is a … Read More

Protect AWS API Gateway Endpoints using API Keys

Zeeshan BaigBlog

Overview AWS API Gateway offers various ways to protect API endpoints, most recently AWS announced Private Endpoints which are only accessible from VPC. In addition to that, you can protect APIs using the following methods Custom Authorizers API Keys Client … Read More